After months of refining the vision, brand and associated product offering, Scentuples is excited to launch our first collection on World Make a Difference Day!
What more fitting celebration than this to go along with our mission and values?
We are releasing a collection made up of 2 perfume oils and 2 pheromone enhanced blends, alongside the Scentuples Scent Association Method to help our customers feel the way they want to feel, enhance their mood and live their best life!
We are ready to ship and cannot wait to build a community around new olfactory experiences!
While our first collection is aimed towards women, especially mothers looking to find themselves again, to feel confident, uplifted and sensual, we welcome anyone to try our perfume oils. In the future we hope to expand to unisex and more masculine perfumes and pheromone blends.
Come along for the ride and help us make a positive difference in the world!
With gratitude,
- Anita, Scentuples Founder